Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our Day So Far....

Woke Mom up.  Why was she sleeping in?  She said she had a headache. But, we don't know what that means, so we pawed at her, and Tatiana even licked her nose.  Mom finally gave up and got out of bed.  We accompanied her to the bathroom, as we always do.  This is to make sure she doesn't make an escape before breakfast - she has to feed us!!!  She finally came to the kitchen.  Tatiana smacked the dog around, and then it was time to eat.  Nom, nom, nom.  Mom disappeared into the basement for awhile.  We know she is hiding a foster cat down there!! for a comfy nap on Mom's bed.  Mom came back upstairs to give us our kisses and tell us how good we are.  Good morning so far....zzzzz......

1 comment:

  1. FaRADaY: Dat sounds like a PAWEsome day to us - speshully smackin' da goggie around *HIGHPAW*!!
